International Conferences

WIV organized the 6th European Virus Archive goes global Annual Conference

Date:05-12-2017   |   【Print】 【close

Recently, "the 6th European Virus Archive goes global Annual Conference" was held in Wuhan, Hubei. As the conference chairs, Professor Hu Zhihong from Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Professor Jean-Louis ROMETTE, the General Coordinator of Horizon 2020-EVAg Project of the European Union, invited more than 30 international experts from 15 countries including China, France, Britain and Germany to attend the conference.

Professor Wang Yanyi, the Deputy Director General of Wuhan institute of Virology, Mr. Olivier GUYONVARCH, the Consul-General of France in Beijing, Mr. Mark WATCHORN, the Deputy Consul-General of Britain in China, and Mr. Gong Xiucheng from Wuhan Association for Science and Technology delivered speeches.

At the meeting, the experts discussed the research hot spots in the field of virology, demonstrated the latest scientific and technological achievements in the field of preservation of virus resources. The conference promoted the establishment of international standards for virus resources, and enhanced the cooperation in international exchanges of resources and construction of global emergency response capabilities. After the meeting, under the guidance of Professor Yuan Zhiming, the Director General of Wuhan Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Director of Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, all participants visited the Laboratory, and conducted a positive communication and constructive discussion on the introduction of high-pathogenic virus resources and personnel training.